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Medicare/Medicaid Information

Clinton Durable Medical Equipment accepts cash, credit cards, and both Medicare and Medicaid insurance. However, due to the numerous changes in Medicare and Medicaid coverage over recent years, there is a big reduction in the number of products we can process for those that are eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare typically can cover up to about 80% percent of a certain amount, depending on the person and state. The beneficiary is usually responsible for paying 20% of the balance remaining. However, if you have secondary insurance such as Non-HMO Medicaid, or other types of PPO private insurance, your remaining balance can be taken care of by them, depending on their rules and regulations.

Bear in mind, however, that we can only process Medicare claims if you have Non-HMO Medicare Insurance. Before we can process your claim, we will first check and validate your coverage and eligibility.

Should you be using your insurance to pay for your equipment, you will need a doctor’s prescription. If need more information, please give us a call at 720-510-1955. Our friendly customer service representatives will be glad to assist you.